Articles Press Release – Empowering Men Who SupportHER

Empowering Men to Empower Women to SupportHER

Celebrating Women of Inspiration Awards

For Immediate Release
Calgary, Alberta, July 11, 2018 –We are getting ready to celebrate Canadian Business Chicks 4th Annual Women of Inspiration Awards . Founder and CEO of Canadian Business Chicks, Monica Kretschmer is challenging the public to raise awareness about the important contribution made by women and the male champions in the community to show they SupportHER in their networks, communities and workplaces. We want to see men in the room at Women of Inspiration to visibly show their leadership to SupportHER.

“We know when more women in leadership roles, their organizations are more innovative, make better decisions and are more profitable. But we can’t achieve women’s equality at work if only one gender is committed to that goal. Men can be powerful allies for equality, and when men support women at work everyone benefits.” Stephanie McLean.

Faisal Karmali, talk show host, business analyst for CTV,  770 CHQR and SupportHER member believes that to build healthy communities and a thriving country you need women to make it happen.“By men working with and mentoring women, we are able to help build a better society for the long-term. We know leadership is for both sides. Men championing and empowering the women not only in business and work, but in their… Share on XKarmali explains.

Supporting women in their career can help level the playing field for women in the business space. We are taking action to embrace diversity by elevating the male champions who empower women to show they visibly SupportHER at Women of… Share on XKretschmer explains.

The awards take place on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2018, at the TELUS Convention Centre. This event is open to the public and will feature inspiring keynote speakers and celebrate women who are making an impact in the community and around the globe. The awards are presented in 12 diverse Women of Inspiration categories including our new category Power Partners promoting gender parity. We have extraordinary nominees who have been nominated for 2018 Women of Inspiration.

“Not only are we excited for this event, but we want to see a high contingent of our men who are a part of the SupportHER program in attendance. This year we have made SupportHER as part of our overall message. We cannot do it alone and let’s acknowledge the support network and change the dynamic to bridge the gap.” said Kretschmer.

The SupportHER membership was recently launched and elevate the male business leaders who step up and help Canadian Business Chicks bring gender inclusiveness and education to the forefront. Male champions genuinely believe in fairness, gender equality, and the development of talent in their organizations, and have a real opportunity to make a movement in the business field. Let’s empower the men to empower women! This is our contribution to make an impact and elevate male business leaders to be recognized for empowering women in their network and community!

“It’s 2018 – men are an inspiring and important part of the conversation. My vision for Women of Inspiration is to see men empowering the women in their network, and workplace by participating and being visible and participating at Women of Inspiration. If you are a woman with a male mentor, boss, partner, or colleague I want you to feel empowered to send them the link and challenge them to recognize you and the other amazing women they work with.” Kretschmer challenges.
The keynote speaker is Barb Stegemann, CEO of The 7 Virtues. Canadian Business Chicks is celebrating with 800 men and women business leaders, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, visionaries, and professionals making impactful and meaningful contributions to the business community by breaking barriers as advocates for change.

SupportHER Corporate Tables and General Tickets can be purchased here: LINK for TICKETS. Become a SupportHER Member.

Article Written by

Monica Kretschmer

Monica is the Founder and CEO of Universal Womens Network™, Women of Inspiration™ Awards, Women of Inspiration™ Podcast, Women of Inspiration™ Book, UWomen Magazine, and SupportHER™ champions for women in their networks, workplaces, and communities.

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