
Driving Change across North America

Are you committed to championing women?

Ambassadors are influential leaders who want to be part of the movement to empower women.

  • Are you passionate about making an impact on a national and global scale?
  • Are you an ambitious leader with a global mindset?
  • Are you a leader in your industry?
  • Are you interested in taking the lead in your geographical location?
  • Do you have an existing network and are ready to grow your circle of influence?
  • Do you have 3-4 hours a month?
  • Do you have a product or service you want to elevate?

Apply to become an Ambassador in your geographical area. Please submit the form below.


Ambassadors elevate their leadership and connect with purpose-driven leaders across North America committed to driving change.


  • Leverage your leadership skills on a national, global scale
  • Build your circle of influence and connect with like-minded leaders
  • Recognition as a Universal Womens Network™ Ambassador
  • Branded Logos for your social media, marketing and email signatures
  • Engage your team or workforce with a common goal and purpose
  • Highlight your involvement as a leader in your industry


  • Ambassadors are Active Members. Become a Member
  • Minimum 1-year commitment (3-4  hours per month) plus attending Monthly Ambassador Meeting
  • Identify and nominate Women of Inspiration™ (SupportHERs)  in your network to nominate
  • Use your social channels to amplify the UWN messaging
  • Host and organize local events
  • Act as a local spokesperson at local events

Thank you in advance for submitting your application. Qualified applicants will be scheduled for a discovery call. Thank you for your interest.

Max 150 words. This bio will be used for your public Ambassador profile.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Max 150 words
Minimum 1-year commitment
example @yourlinkedinaccount | XXXX Connections
example @yourinstagramaccount | XXXX Connections
example @yourtwitteraccount | XXXX Followers
example @yourfacebookaccount | XXXX Followers
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please Upload a Professional Headshot

Become an Ambassador

Thank you for completing your application. Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted for a Discovery Call.


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