Inspiring Change for Equity

Become a Top Company- SupportHER™ Champion

We are aligning with companies taking meaningful action to inspire change for gender equality.

A Top Companies – SupportHER™ Champions are brands and leaders fostering a culture of inclusion, committed to the advancement of women and promoting allyship.

  • They are committed to taking action to level the playing field and promote gender equality.
  • They inspire and empower others to join them in their efforts to advance women.
  • They commit to creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace for all.
  • They recognize the achievements of leaders within their company.
  • They lead by example in their networks, workplaces and communities.
  • They invest in education and training to strengthen the pipeline to advance women.

 Top Company – EDI SupportHER™ Champions will have the opportunity to:

  • Become a SupportHER Champion
  • Showcase your company’s commitment to advancing women in your company and industry.
  • Showcase your initiatives to advance women.
  • Showcase your initiatives to foster an inclusive culture in your workplace and ecosystem.
  • Showcase diverse leadership.
  • Attract and retain top talent.
  • Engage your workplace and ecosystem to become involved.

Criteria – Top Companies may be the Public or the Private sector with headquarters in Canada and the USA. Apply

Top Company - Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) SupportHER Champion Form

Compnies must have a head office in Canada to be elegible.
SupportHER Champions are highly influential leaders committed to inspiring change in their company.
Max 150 words. This information may be shared publicly, on the internet, and with our media partners and sponsors.
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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This image only needs to be 400px wide by 400px in height. Also please keep the image file size as small as possible to optimize the website speed. Please try and keep the image file size to about 100kb. Anything larger than 500kb will not be uploaded.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This image only needs to be 400px wide by 400px in height. Also please keep the image file size as small as possible to optimize the website speed. Please try and keep the image file size to about 100kb. Anything larger than 500kb will not be uploaded.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This image only needs to be 400px wide by 400px in height. Also please keep the image file size as small as possible to optimize the website speed. Please try and keep the image file size to about 100kb. Anything larger than 500kb will not be uploaded.

Section Divider

This information may be shared publicly, on the internet, and with our media partners and sponsors.
Max 1000 words. Include reference to corporate initiatives, board representation, corporate goals, equal pay, health and wellness, etc.
Max 75 words. This information may be shared publicly, on the internet, and with our media partners and sponsors.
This information may be shared publicly, on the internet, and with our media partners and sponsors.

Social Media

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Contact Information

With your support, we can inspire change to advance women. Fees apply Thank you for supporting a Women-Owned business.

Corporate Partners