Monica Dauenhauer
Pilot for Kenn Borek Air Ltd - Pilot
Monica is an accomplished Twin Otter Polar Pilot! Over the last 20 years, she has developed her considerable piloting skills flying missions around the North Pole and Arctic circle and the South Pole and Antarctic continent delivering such diverse cargo as: explorers, scientists, doctors, surveyors, equipment, fuel and supplies to various locations in the dramatic and extremely harsh climates of the far north and far south. One of few women in her field, she has competently and capably built her strong reputation through her incredible work ethic and remarkable skill set. She consistently demonstrates that there is a space and a place for women in this challenging work environment that is typically occupied by males. Monica is a tremendous advocate and mentor to other women working in this exhilarating and demanding industry. She is making a difference every day with her confident and sunny smile.