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Tammy Sherger

Business Name
I Am Worth It Project
Role or Title
Founder CEO, I Am Worth It Project
About Me 
Meet Tammy Sherger … I Am Worth It Project Founder, Entrepreneur, Author, TEDx Speaker, your 6 Figure + Business and Life strategist who challenges you to look within yourself to discover who and what you can be, turning possibilities into realities.Today, with over 20 years of high-level business experience, Tammy knows what it takes to get that promotion, build that start up, land that raise, and negotiate a “yes” to the things you really want. Known for her impactful, inspiring, no-fluff coaching Tammy teaches women -- through live events, her corporate programs, online courses and mentorship masterminds. Tammy’s journey and her passion to share her experiences through both business and philanthropic endeavors are both inspirational and motivational. Tammy is waking women up around the world with her global movement to help them live the Worthy, Wealthy Lifestyle. Tammy lives in Canada and teaches around the world.
Why I Support Women
At 53, I had an AHA moment when I discovered that I didn't believe I was worth it and I knew I wasn't alone. That this very feeling of not be worthy was keeping women living small, dreaming small and settling for less that they are worth. As my son tells the story I left my cushy executive job to follow my passion to help women Stand Up Speak Out and Soar into their highest potential.
How I Can Serve You
I run an online business but also have a studio that is home to a 40 seat event space and social media center. Want to learn more about starting and online business or moving a piece of your business online? I can help with this, business strategy, course development and more:)
My Favorite Business Book
Experts Secrets
My Favorite Quote
Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way. Booker T Washington
Connect With Me For
Consulting or Services
How Best To Connect With Me 
Email: [email protected]

  Business Name I Am Worth It Project   Role or Title Founder CEO, I Am Worth It Project   About Me  Meet Tammy Sherger … I Am Worth It Project Founder, Entrepreneur, Author, TEDx

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