Narine Dat Sookram (he/him) - Legendary Award
Private Practice - Social Worker
Mr. Sookram has always been a mentor/support for women, particularly the underprivileged and women of colour. He has spent his time/talent mentoring women on how to start and maintain small businesses, many of whom now have their small businesses. Mr. Sookram has supported underprivileged/women of colour by teaching them how to drive, driving them back and forth to work, assisting them with homework, getting their credentials evaluated, and now mental health counselling. Mr. Sookram also supported much work with job coaching and their career where many are currently working in jobs that fit their values, including one of a police officer. Some return to school to advance their academic studies. For Mr. Sookram's work in supporting women, he has received several awards, including an international award for Empowering Women's Economic Growth. When he was chosen as one of RBC's Top 25 Canadian Immigrants, Mr. Sookram donated his cash prize to the Focus of Ethnic Women group in Waterloo.