Articles Sophia Fairweather – 2017 Woman of Inspiration Millennial Leader
Every woman has a story!
We would like to introduce you to our 2017 Woman of Inspiration Millennial Leader Sophia Fairweather.
Sophia has been involved with Innovation in Science, Technology and Engineering to help girls be leaders in Business and Leadership and be on Boards. Sophia’s online presence can easily be found on Google by doing a Google search for Sophia Fairweather and on her website StartUpBySophia.
With a simple beginning at the age of 5, she already has two previous successes under her belt. Currently, she works with AWSN and Canadian Business Chicks to achieve the impossible. Sophia has been fortunate to be featured by CTV, CBC Radio, CBC Online, Metro News, Business Link, Tec Edmonton, and internationally profiled by Huffington Post, Shopify, HatchPad (US), Earthpreneur (US), Awesome Geek (UK), and Diversity Magazine (CAN).
Sophia is showing that ” Innovation does NOT Discriminate” and is for everyone regardless of age, lifestyle, and culture. She has created and sold four products, her favourites being the Windshield Band-Aid, The Funcro, and now the Air Quality Health System which is new and is in R&D.
Sophia is very proud that her influence and example have helped to change government policy, and opened the doors for further funding for girls like her at both the Parliamentary level and Senate Hearings such as Status of Women Minister Maryam Monsef’s announcement in the house for the Budget Implementation Act.
As you can tell, Sophia is a very motivated youngster who is using Engineering Innovation to get youth and especially girls into Leadership. She has done this by:
1. ‘Opening doors’ for girls, by working with the federal government to create an 11 million dollar fund and grant
2. ‘Role modeling’ to both parents and youth through product innovation and outreach through Social Media, and TV/Radio and
3. ‘Leadership’ by doing and leading and showing achievement award of the 2017 Women Of Inspiration Award for Millennial Leader, Canada 150 leadership Award, and being the youngest known NSERC award recipient,
Here is our interview with Sofia and some great advice from a young entrepreneur.
Before being recognized as a Women of Inspiration, what qualities did you believe made an inspiring woman?
Dressing well, and being on TV.
What do you feel is the main lesson you can teach others? What can we learn from you that can impact other women to succeed personally and professionally?
- Start early, and see what happens. Just start. Then ‘practice, practice, practice’ for things like interviews, and presentations.
- Knowing how to research.
- Be willing to help others, like for me I need a bit of help sometimes.
- Having good quotes help like ‘Innovation does NOT Discriminate’, or ‘Reach for the Stars, and you might just land on Mars’.
How do you overcome challenges? What keeps you motivated?
Music, and being invited to events, coaching, meetings, and sometimes getting Awards. Getting money also helps.
At what point did you realize that you had the power to do something meaningful?
When I got my Astech Video and Women of Inspiration Award because they both had this cool video and they did this nice speech, and both of them think of me as a leader.
What are some of the keys to success that you can share to empower others?
Things do not always go as expected. Don’t let the barriers get you down and keep going and always look for partners and help.
How do you see your role as Ambassador of Women of Inspiration to inspire and influence others? What steps will you take to continue to inspire, lead and motivate
others as a Women of Inspiration?
Somehow this year I have to do PR stuff and pay more attention to some of my products so I can make them as great as they can …. and use that to influence or inspire more people.
How has this experience being recognized as a Woman of Inspiration
changed/impacted you in your life personally and professionally?
I love having the credibility, and I get to meet some really cool people and nice ones too.
Thank you to our extraordinary Photographer, Glam Squad and Gown Partners:
Jeff MacDonald Photography @JMcDonaldPhoto
Rola Muhieddiene – Maison Blu @Maison.Blu
Ethos Bridal Centre @EthosBridal
Durand Bridal @DurandBridal
Influence Salon – Wendy Belange @InfluenceSalon