Articles Desiree Bombenon – I SupportHER

Desiree Bombenon – President and CEO, SureCall Contact Centers Ltd. | @SureCall

Say hello to Desiree Bombenon, President and CEO, SureCall Contact Centers Ltd. Desiree has over 30 years of business operational experience with a proven track record of leading businesses to success and was named one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women in both 2016 & 2017 by WXN.

Desiree loves to utilize people and their skills to create success for other businesses while allowing those businesses to focus on their core competencies. That’s what SureCall does!

“I’m vision-driven with regards to our corporation. Our corporation has a motto of doing good with every call, and is purpose-driven towards creating good in the world,” Share on Xsaid the Harvard alumni, who through the Advanced Leadership Initiative, works on critical humanitarian issues around the world.

It is Desiree’s mission to educate females in underserved communities. She has created a project, “Hero Girls” that provides a mentorship entrepreneurial program for females in Nepal, including scholarships, classes, mentorships and Microcredit loans for female entrepreneurs.

She also happens to be an author. “I write cheesy fictional novels,” she chuckled. Her two books are titled “The Offering” and “The Congregation.”

Desiree is an active member of the Young Presidents Organization, International Women’s Forum, sits on the Calgary Chamber of Commerce, and Children First Canada boards. She is also a sommelier and has a wine importing business, what fun!

As she explains, “I do a ton of stuff. It’s difficult but also impressively fluid how I manage everything. I just love all of the things I work on, and belong to, I love to contribute. I have a great team that enables me to do what I do.” Share on X

Desiree is a proud supporter of the SupportHER initiative. A key passion of hers is around gender parity and how do we get there? One of the key components is gaining support for both female and male stakeholders around that piece.

“What Canadian Business Chicks is doing is pretty cool, leveraging women in both business and society. Looking at that as a systemic fix for a better world, I think when you look at the fact Canadian Business Chicks also wants to… Share on X

As females, most of us have male supporters in our life whether it’s our brothers, fathers, husbands, or our friends, and we’re not going to be able to do this on our own.

The motto of Canadian Business Chicks ‘together we are stronger,’ We all have strengths and weaknesses and I think there are so many great things about men that complement women that it is going to be a better world if we do it together.

It’s critical for men and women to work together. absolutely.

Both men and women want to have a shared purpose and feel accomplished in what we do. If we take the ego out of the situation, and put some great people into a room, you’re going to come out with better solutions that are well thought-out and thorough. We need to walk this path together.

The world belongs to everybody.

It’s important for companies to look at ways to find a path for females to get into leadership roles within the organization. There’s a lot of great women who fill middle management roles because they’re hard workers and do a great job, but it seems like there’s still the glass ceiling to be shattered.

If a type of career path was designed and developed for females to move into these roles and you make it part of your company culture and more importantly implement it as part of your strategy it becomes a normal goal or target to create roles at that level for females.

Desiree is highly excited about the shared perspective with men and women to create an equal world.

It’s really refreshing to see.

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