Articles Be a Goal Digger!
Be a Goal Digger!
Tis the season to start setting those big juicy goals for the new year, who wants to be a “Goal Digger”?
If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals you lack focus and direction. Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life’s direction; it also provides you a benchmark for determining whether you are succeeding. Remember, these are the BIG goals that will stretch you beyond your comfort-zone (where the real growth happens), and often prompt a shift in perspective and behaviors.
6 Steps to a Sticky Party
When planning my big juicy goals, I like to get creative with a “Sticky Party”. Sticky Parties can be done on your own or with a team.
Tools required: :Colour markers and 4 x 4 sticky note pads.
1) Brain Dump
This is the brainstorm session that gets all the “stuff” out of our heads on paper. No need to get pretty, just get it out of your head and Post It! This is the creative part to the sticky party so go ahead and use those colors to identify your categories and action items.
2) Create Categories – Personal, Business, Big Juicy
Big vision goals often have personal and professional goals that need to be aligned. Make your goals visible and prioritize ones that have the greatest an impact in other areas of your life: business, personal, and BIG juicy vision.
3) Prioritize and Motivation
Prioritize in order of importance and impact the goals have in other areas of your life and business. Set goals that are high value, challenging and choose ones that will motivate you. When you can determine the motivation and “why” behind the goal you are setting yourself up for success as this requires commitment.
4) Create a Time-Line
Establish a timeline for your goals and backward also provides a strong visual message to help keep you focused. You need to know where you want to be in one year, five years or longer.
5) Make and Action Plan
Create an action plan and know the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Be clear on your milestones and plan a time on your calendar to acknowledge your hard work!
6) Create a Daily Routine and Stick With It!
Ensure your goals are visible and revisit daily. We encourage our members to become Goal Diggers and share their goals to be accountable and stick with it! I have created a daily routine that includes revisiting by goals and listening to my daily dose of inspiration On Purpose to set my intentions for the day, year and ten years from now! Download On Purpose on ITunes for your daily dose of inspiration!
Have fun and make sure that you celebrate the milestones along the way!