Articles Canadian Transportation Industry Taking the Lead to Drive Change for Women in Business.
Women: Seen, Heard, and Valued!
Driving Change by Raising the Bar for Diversity and Inclusion on Roadways across Canada.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (Calgary, AB, March 10, 2021) Now is the time to choose to challenge the status quo. Now is the time to put women front and centre to drive change.
2020 saw women continue to take a backseat in business.
And this year, the Universal Women’s Network™ is partnering with leaders in the transportation industry to drive change right across Canada with a 2021 Road Show.
WATCH these companies visible on the roadways across Canada visible to 48 million eyes building awareness and engaging with Canadians.
“Coming out of the pandemic, we are putting women in the driver’s seat,” says Monica Kretschmer, Founder, and CEO of Universal Womens Network™ and Women of Inspiration™ Awards.
2020 amplified spotlight on how underrepresented women are, particularly in the transportation, construction, and manufacturing industries. To show the full impact, Universal Womens Network™ is taking action to put women front and center to ensure they are seen, heard, and valued. What better way than engaging the transportation industry across Canada with moving billboards on semi-trailer trucks driving across our roadways over the next nine months?”
“As a second-generation executive in our family business, my father always taught me the importance of putting our employees first. He never said put ‘men’ first; it always about putting our employees first—no matter the gender or the race. Today, we are taking a stand for equality in gender and race so that everyone can be put on the same pedestal. We know that the graphics we completed for the Universal Womens Network™ 2021 Road Show will “Raise the Bar” and bring awareness to a situation that is too widely accepted as is, which is that the transport industry is a ‘Man’s World.’ It is not ok that only three percent of truck drivers in Canada are women. By bringing our voices together, we can change this situation for the better,” We are proud to partner with the Universal Womens Network™ as a visible SupportHER™, says Charles Veilleux, Vice President, Sales and Marketing of Turbo Images.
Every great vision requires early adopters. Partnering with transportation industry leaders with Caterpillar Inc. owned, Penner International Inc, Highlight Motor Group Inc, and multi-modal carrier, Maritime Ontario, not one, but three trucks hit the highways on March 8, 2021, International Women’s Day. Thanks to our SupportHER™ partners, Turbo Images , 3M , these companies are taking action to be visible a SupportHER™ and drawing attention to diversity and inclusion.
The #SpotTheTruck 2021 Road Show campaign will draw attention to companies and individuals who SupportHER™ —visible champions of true diversity and inclusion. Leading to a two-week, 10-city live and virtual events in Fall 2021, this Road Show culminates with the release of the 100 Women of Inspiration™ book, a one-of-a-kind initiative representing the voices of leaders from diverse industries. Follow the journey on social media and post your own pictures if you see the truck on roadways across Canada updated on our wall using hasthtag #SpotTheTruck. Learn about the routes for these trucks coming to a city of town near you!
“With just one of these trucks receiving more than 16 million views a year, we are challenging businesses and individuals to take real action to become a visible SupportHER™. We invite them to #SpotTheTruck, participate, nominate a Woman of Inspiration™, share the stories and voices of inspirational women. We choose to challenge everyone to play role in leading the way for true diversity, inclusion, and equality within their industry.” Kretschmer states.
For Media inquiries, or be a part of this first-of-its-kind and historical opportunities please contact Monica Kretschmer – Founder and CEO, Universal Womens Network™ and Women of Inspiration™
Monica Kretschmer, Founder and CEO – Universal Womens’ Network™ and Women of Inspiration™
About Universal Womens’ Network™
Universal Womens Network™ is a global platform committed to gender equality by raising the bar to advance women in their networks, communities, and workplaces. We connect, celebrate, and recognize women along with men who SupportHER™ to empower women to succeed personally and professionally.
Nominate a Woman of Inspiration 365 Days a Year, today!